November 3, 2016

October Adventures

Can't believe it's the beginning of November already. I know everybody keeps saying that but time really goes by very fast. October is over and what a month it's been! I feel like we've done so many different things (most of them include Halloween activities, of course) and made great memories. 

At the beginning of the month, Michael got to go to the conference for his internship where he presented a poster about his work at Fair Hill Nature Center as an Environmental Educator. He's been working with the kids from local schools every day in September and October educating them about the water quality in Elkton, MD. 
I also got to see him promote the nature center at a local school in North East, MD and show off the animals they have at the center. Michael is so great with the kids and makes learning about such insects as a Madagascar hissing cockroach fun and interesting. 

Michael showing the kids a snake

This month we also explored a little bit of the area where we live right now. As we're staying about 20 mins ride from Wilmington we thought it would be nice to see the town. It wasn't the most exciting trip but we enjoyed walking along the river and walking through the  neighborhood. Seeing how other people live and their houses is sooo much fun for me. 

Wilmington Rivefront 
The same day we went to Wilmington we also decided to go to Frightland and get into the Halloween spirit. I am not the biggest fan of scary things and had told Michael before I am not stepping into any haunted attraction everrr. Frightland did look very attractive though so  I decided to step outside my comfort zone and go scare my butt off. And I gotta admit, it was a lot of fun! My favorite part was the Haunted Hayride. I am glad my first big haunted attraction experience was with my favorite person and he made it so much better. 

In October Michael and I also rented a room in a shared house and brought our baby girl Yoshi with us. Unfortunately, the house didn't work out for either of us but it was a nice learning experience. 
Yoshi enjoying a 2-hour car ride

One of the highlights of this month was definitely the Halloween party that our friends hosted at their apartment. It was my first real Halloween party and I was quite nervous because I wanted to make sure it'll be memorable. Michael and I dressed up as a married zombie couple. Michael named our costumes "Even death can't do us part". I watched all kinds of YouTube tutorial about zombie makeup and bought our supplies. The actual makeup took longer than we expected but it was pretty awesome seeing it all come together. I was very proud of myself. I enjoyed seeing our friends in the costumes and taking silly pictures together. (check out my Insta hehe) One of my favorite thing at the party was the food! I ate so many goodies that night! Still dreaming about them! 
Even death can't do us part

In October we also carved our first pumpkin together which I gotta admit was kind of frustrating but it turned out great at the end and we were very happy with the result. 

Halloween wouldn't be as awesome without Trick or Treating and we got to do that as well at the Newark Halloween parade. I am not kidding, I ate so much candy I had a sugar hangover the next day. It was worth it though.
I was very impressed with the parade itself as the only parades I've been to before were military parades for May 9 back home in Russia. I love the military parades but the Halloween one was hands down my favorite. We didn't go all out with the costumes for the parade but still did quick dead/zombie makeup and called ourselves "Dead dude and dudette". 
Indulging irresponsibly

Watching the parade together

October was a great month full of wonderful memories. I am now looking forward to my first Thanksgiving, my first American Christmas, and New Year's celebration. 

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July 3, 2016

Exploring Crisfield, MD

  Yesterday Michael and I went to Crisfield for their annual Freedom Fest. We heard about the festival on Facebook and thought we'd give it a try. The event itself was pretty small but quite cozy. There were a few local craft vendors and food trucks as well as live entertainment. After spending some time at the festival we decided to take advantage of the wonderful weather and to explore more of Crisfield and walk around the marina. 

Crisfield is a tiny town of less than 3,000 people and is apparently known as the "Seafood Capital of the World". You can definitely tell that its citizens are very proud of that title as all the street signs have a picture of crabs on them and they use seashell decorations for street walls.

  Since Crisfield is so proud of their crabs we though it'd only be appropriate to have something crabby. The food at the festival didn't include any seafood so we walked along the Main St until we came across a cute little restaurant called Watermen's Inn ( until we got home I totally thought it was called Watermelons, yup ). We were not very hungry so we both only ordered a bowl Maryland Crab Soup and it was very yummy! I've only had Maryland Crab Soup a couple times before and this one was the best one yet! It had the right amount of spice and soo much crab meat! Well done Watermen's Inn! They also had lots of amazing cakes (including Smith Island). Unfortunately we didn't get any dessert but if we ever find ourseles in Crisfield again we definitely will!

While walking along the Main St we noticed so many adorable buildings and, of course, I couldn't help but get my pictures taken next to them (gotta keep my Instagram updated). Poor Michael had to take so many because I'm always unhappy with the way I look but I think he did a pretty good job with them.

Another cool thing that happened while we were walking around the marina was that this cute dragonfly landed on Michael's hand and just stayed there. We even took him for a walk with us. Michael named him David by the way. :)

We enjoyed spending time in Crisfield and exploring more of the Shore this weekend. It's a very cozy and welcoming little fishing town that's worth visiting at least once and you'll probabably come back for more! I hope you have a great 4th of July and eat lots tasty food! Michael promised me burgers. Can't wait! xo
(Crisfield City Dock)

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June 26, 2016

Hebron Carnival

  Yesterday Michael and I went to the Hebron Carnival in Hebron, MD. We really didn't know what to expect so we went with an open mind. I have never been to an American carnival before and was very excited to go especially since it is for a very good cause. I was actually unaware of the fact that many fire departments around the area where we live and I suspect across the US are volunteer and in order to make some money they organize different events such as carnivals. We were sure it was going to be a very small family event but were very surprised when we saw a big crowd of people. 

 First thing we noticed were the lines to the rides that at first made us less excited about the rides. However once we were in line the wait actually wasn't very bad and it only took about 10 minutes to get to the front. We have to admit the rides are a little bit pricey but you can get a $14 unlimited pass for all the rides that is absolutely worth it if you wanna take more than a couple rides. Michael and I only rode one of them since he's not the biggest fan of spinning and flipping too fast. Nevertheless, I convinced him to go on a Scrambler which was sooooo much fun. I laughed and screamed so much Michael thought i was going crazy. Next time we will definitely get on more rides. I recon Tilt-a-Whirl will be one of them. The carnival also has a lot to offer to food lovers, they sell everything from frozen chocolate bananas to their famous oyster sandwiches. We had just had dinner so we weren't very hungry. I did, however, got a bag of caramel pop corn. It was DELICIOUS! 

  Our favorite part of the carnival was definitely playing a Cake Game. You pick a number 1-60, put 50 cents on that number and then the lady spins the wheel and you are hoping it's your number. Unfortunately we didn't win anything but had a lot of fun playing anyway.

  Hebron Carnival is definitely an event worth visiting this summer with your family and friends and we're hoping to go back before its 2016 season is over. Hope you will too!
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June 24, 2016

Splash Mountiain

Last week Me and Michael went to a water park in Ocean City MD. It was what I called "my birthday week" and we had to do something fun every day leading up to my birthday and after it. Michael wasn't very fond of the "birthday week" idea I must mention haha. Anyway, we had the most amazing and fun day at Jolly Roger's Splash Mountain. The only drawback is the fact that we forgot to reapply sunscreen lotion throughout the day. Yup. We got burnt! Nevertheless it was a day filled with so much laughter and happy screams. We definitely created some new memories that we won't forget for a while. I'm talking about you, AquaLoop. 
We are definitely going to back soon!

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