June 26, 2016

Hebron Carnival

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  Yesterday Michael and I went to the Hebron Carnival in Hebron, MD. We really didn't know what to expect so we went with an open mind. I have never been to an American carnival before and was very excited to go especially since it is for a very good cause. I was actually unaware of the fact that many fire departments around the area where we live and I suspect across the US are volunteer and in order to make some money they organize different events such as carnivals. We were sure it was going to be a very small family event but were very surprised when we saw a big crowd of people. 

 First thing we noticed were the lines to the rides that at first made us less excited about the rides. However once we were in line the wait actually wasn't very bad and it only took about 10 minutes to get to the front. We have to admit the rides are a little bit pricey but you can get a $14 unlimited pass for all the rides that is absolutely worth it if you wanna take more than a couple rides. Michael and I only rode one of them since he's not the biggest fan of spinning and flipping too fast. Nevertheless, I convinced him to go on a Scrambler which was sooooo much fun. I laughed and screamed so much Michael thought i was going crazy. Next time we will definitely get on more rides. I recon Tilt-a-Whirl will be one of them. The carnival also has a lot to offer to food lovers, they sell everything from frozen chocolate bananas to their famous oyster sandwiches. We had just had dinner so we weren't very hungry. I did, however, got a bag of caramel pop corn. It was DELICIOUS! 

  Our favorite part of the carnival was definitely playing a Cake Game. You pick a number 1-60, put 50 cents on that number and then the lady spins the wheel and you are hoping it's your number. Unfortunately we didn't win anything but had a lot of fun playing anyway.

  Hebron Carnival is definitely an event worth visiting this summer with your family and friends and we're hoping to go back before its 2016 season is over. Hope you will too!

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